How a Weekly Review Can Help Identify What's Working, and Pivot When It's Not
People are frugal in guarding their personal property; but as soon as it comes to squandering time they are most wasteful of the one thing in which it is right to be stingy.
- Seneca
A weekly review is, in name, a simple task, but the difficulty lies in one’s ability to conduct it.
As someone with ADHD, that consistency part is… challenging to say the least. I first learned about a weekly review some years ago, and I’ve conducted less than twenty since.
I like to think of it as a mix between an After Action Review from the military, and a Sprint Retro, from Agile.
Unfortunately, what seems simple can be challenging to keep up with.
The weeks seem to blend together after a time. Doing this over the last month has allowed me to identify ways to improve.
My Process
Create a weekly review doc in Obsidian
Review the week in the bullet journal and correlate items with daily notes in Obsidian
Move anything of note to the weekly review doc
Move anything of note to the Brag Doc
Reflect on the distractions sections of the daily notes and bullet journal
Reflection and Planning
There wouldn’t be much of a point to the review if it wasn’t something you could use to change your trajectory.
Throughout the week, I’ll write down what distracts me. During the weekly review I will attempt to identify a solution for the following week.
This could mean:
Blocking time on the calendar
Closing Slack and setting Do Not Disturb on my devices
Leaving my phone in another room.
Regardless of the issue, being able to identify and improve, even by a tiny amount, means growth towards what I truly want to be doing. Not wasting time on things I shouldn’t.